Playing favourites

Some things are special because of the memories attached to them.

I remember Miss R as a three year old dragging this ice cream printed fabric through Mildura Spotlight asking me to buy it. Three times I put it back on the shelf, and three times she pulled it back down. I remember her using this fabric as a blanket on the way home from Mildura (perhaps she didn't trust me with it thinking I would put it back on the shelf again hehe). Miss R wore the first dress I made with this fabric for three years!!! There are certain benefits when your child only seems to be growing upwards.

The second project was a bit of a flip. I wanted to use this fabric to make a dress for Christmas for Miss R. I cut the wrong size so the dress turned out too big. I was hoping she would grow into it by this year... Nope. She is still one or two years away from being able to fill it out!

I was sorting out my fabric stash recently. Miss R spotted her favourite ice cream fabric and asked to make a dress 'like her favourite one'.

I didn't really want to recreate her old dress, even if it was her absolute favourite. After consultation with Miss R I used another pattern we both liked, the BFFS dress by Puperita. I have already used it twice, first time for Miss L last summer, and I also made this pattern in fleece for Miss R last winter. 

The BFFS dress goes up to size 6. I guess this it the last time I use this pattern for Miss R! There is something especially sentimental about sewing the last size in a pattern.

Just like with Miss R's fleece BFFS dress, I lengthened the bodice by 3 cm right under the armscyes and the skirt by 2 cm at the hem. Once again, I omitted the collar. I also added 1 cm to the placket to accommodate the large buttons I wanted to use. 

I will not be able to use this pattern for Miss R again, but her little sister might get a few more BFFS dresses. There is nothing wrong with playing favourites, right? And this pattern is definitely among my favourite!


  1. Рейчел очень красивая!!!!Женя очень хорошо шьёт!!!Мои девочки самые лучшие на свете!!!!!!!!Люблю!!!!!!Целую!!!!!!

  2. What a special dress indeed! And how sweet that she loved the fabric so much she went and got it three times - you know it's love! I am getting to that stage where my oldest is starting to size out of a lot of patterns that I own and while it's making me a bit sad, I am glad that I still have my little one to sew for, too :)

    1. Thank you Emi! While I have a little one to sew for, I feel a little sad there is really no need to sew for my big girlie as much, simply because she is in school uniform 5 days a week :(

  3. That's what you get for taking kids fabric shopping with you! How lovely that she remembered her favourite dress, and that she persuaded you to 'remake' it. I agree, it's so sad when they size out of patterns. I am also starting to rethink R's dresses as her figure is changing - be warned, it can happen earlier than you expect!! And yes, make the most of your baby and sew, sew, sew!

    1. Thank you Marisa. My big girlie is growing up! It is a little sad I can't sew for her as much as she is in school uniform 5 days a week. I guess I will just have to sew for the little one as much as I can, while I can :) Or myself ;)


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