Alice top in blue voile

A few months ago I went to Spotlight and noticed this gorgeous textured voile in a stunning shade of blue.

I usually choose a pattern and then pick fabric, however this time it was the other way around. The minute I touched this fabric I knew it was destined to become a new Alice top.

I have used the Alice top pattern twice before. My first Alice turned out on a roomier side, however the second fits perfectly and I find myself reaching for it again and again.

This Alice is definitely my favourite. I feel comfortable in it. Not only because it is an exceptionally comfortable top. I think this is my least home-made looking garment, and I like it!

This top is size XXS. For reference, I usually buy Australian size 10 ready to wear clothing. It has been noted before that the top is rather long. Well, at 170 cm I am pretty tall, so that did not bother me a bit. I did not shorten the pattern, instead I opted for a wider hem.

I made this top a while ago and now it has to be packed away until spring. Autumn is here!

Last time I popped into Spotlight I noticed voile was on special. I think this fabric will look great as the Gallery tunic which has been on my to sew list for at least two years! Man, gotta go get some more of this gorgeous fabric! And rename my blog. How about 'All the blue things I made'? Ha!


  1. It is super pretty on you Jenya. I agree, it's a great pattern and a fun sew :-)

  2. It is lovely! the fabric works very well with that design and you look ver pretty!

  3. Love this on you! I have some of that voile as well. Mine is more of a grey-ish blue and I love it. Haven't thought of a project for it yet :)

    1. This fabric has such lovely texture, doesn't it :) A boho tunic will look gorgeous in this fabric ;)

  4. I love this top on you and it's so pretty in voile! I'm definitely going to make one for myself this summer. At least, that's the goal... ;)


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